By 'Abdul-'Azlz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz
Dear pilgrims, we praise Allah for having guided you to the hajj of His House and to the visit of the Sacred Precincts. May He accept from all of us our good deeds and increase His reward for us and for you.
The following advice is being offered to you in the hope that Allah will accept from all of us our hajj and our striving.
1. Remember that you are on a blessed journey. This journey, which is a migration toward Allah, is based on belief in His Unity (tawheed), on sincerity toward Him, on responding to His call, and on obedience to His commands. There is no greater reward than that of a hajj which is acceptable to Allah Ta'alah-the reward of the Garden of Paradise.
2. Be on your guard against the mischief of Satan, who intends to cause dissention among you. Love each other as brothers and avoid disputes and disobedience to Allah. Know that the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said, "None of " us has truly believed unless he likes for his brother what the likes for himself."
3. Whenever you have a question concerning religious matters or concerning the hajj, ask knowledgeable Muslims until you receive a satisfactory answer. This is in accordance with what Allah has said: " If ye realise this not, ask of those who possess The Message." it is also in accordance with what the Prophet (peace be on him) has said. "When Allah intends good for someone, He gives him understanding of the religion."
4. Know that Allah has made certain acts lard (obligatory) and other acts sunnah (according to the practice of the Prophet, peace be on him). Allah does not accept a sunnah which violates some lard. Some pilgrims ignore this fact when they harm believing men and women in their zeal to kiss the Black Stone, to hasten in their circuits around the K'abah, to make salah behind the Station of lbraheem, to drink from Zamzam,.and similar practices. These practices are sunnah. To harm any believer in doing them is haram (prohibited). How is it possible to carry out a sunnah observance while doing a haram deed? Therefore, avoid hurting each other, and Allah will grant you His mercy and will increase your reward.
We would also like to emphasize the following:
(a) It is not fitting that a Muslim man performs his Salat next to, or behind a woman in the holy Mosque or at any other place if it is at all possible to avoid doing so. Women should pray behind men.
(b) The doors and entrances to the holy Mosque are for traffic and should not be blocked by people praying there, even though if it is to join the congregational prayer that may be in progress.
(c) It is not permissible to block the Tree flow of people around the K'abah by sitting near the K'abah, by praying near it, or by standing near the Black Stone, or al-Hijr or
at the Station of lbraheem, especially when the place is crowded, as this is a source of harm to other people.
(d) While safeguarding the dignity of Muslims is a fard, kissing the Black Stone is a sunnah. A fard cannot be sacrificed for a sunnah. When the area is crowded, it is sufficient to point to the Black Stone, saying "Allahu akbar." and to continue to move with the flow of people without causing a break in the lines. indeed, keeping an easy flow during circuits is the most commendable thing.
(e) It is not a sunnah to kiss the Yamani corner, but to touch it with the right hand, if it is not overcrowded, and say* "Bismillahi wal-lahu akbar. " But if it is difficult to touch it, then move on, do not point to it with your hand, or say takbir. For it is not reported of the Prophet. It is mustahabb (good) to recite the following supplication in between the Yamani corner and the Black Stone:
"Rabbana atina fid-donya hasanatan wa fil- akhirati hasanatan wa qina adhaban-nar".
Finally, the best advice we can give you is that you follow the Book of Allah and the sunnah of His Messenger (peace be on him) in all what you do.
"Obey Allah and the Messenger in order that you may receive mercy.
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